How to Balance Health and Natural Beauty?

While everyone’s skin and particular skincare requirements are different, there are a few universal tips, which everybody can benefit from

Drink Plenty Of Fresh Water

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When we’re feeling drained and sluggish, our first instinct can often be to grab a fresh pot of coffee and caffeine our way through the day when what we should be doing is reaching for water instead; think of yourself as a parched flower needs it’s roots flourishing with a fresh spring of water in order to grow. As we lose large quantities of water each day, it’s imperative that we keep our bodies replenished so that all of our organs (the skin included!) can function at their best, making hydration one of the core foundations of a healthy lifestyle. When we aren’t hydrated enough, our skin can become dull, dry and flaky, so it’s also vital to keep the natural beauty of our skin hydrated too; Following a shower, spray some of INSTYTUTUM Alive Water on your face and quench the rest of yourself with a mist of Body Rain in order to refresh, revive and rehydrate every pore.

Protect Yourself From The Sun

Though daily sun exposure can help boost our moods or give fair skin the luminous benefits of a sanguine tan, unless the sun is enjoyed with responsible levels of skin protection in place then you could be putting your skin at risk of long-term skin problems such as wrinkles, age spots or even an increased risk of skin cancer. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, and be sure to keep it topped up throughout the day to keep your skin protection game strong.

Eat A Healthy Diet

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Think of yourself as a machine which operates at it’s best when it’s given the right kind of fuel; give it the wrong kind and that machine can break down over time or fail to function properly in the present. The correlation between our diets and our health can’t be understated, and it’s positive and negative effects can have a major impact on the natural beauty of our skin. Choose anti-inflammatory foods such as oily fish, whole grains and dark leafy greens to slow down the ageing process and opt for nutrient rich and skin friendly snacks such as fruit, nuts or legumes which won’t give you harsh sugar spikes that can contribute to imbalances in hormones and moods which can cause an imbalance in your skin as a result. A healthy lifestyle produces healthy, beautiful skin.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking is one of the worst sins you can commit against yourself. Not only is it hugely detrimental for your physical health and well-being, it’s also incredibly destructive to your skin, depleting it of the nutrients and oxygen it requires in order to remain healthy. Not only does smoking speed up the ageing process by damaging the collagen and elastin of your skin, it can also be a major contributor to wrinkles, making it both a major enemy of a healthy lifestyle and natural beauty.

Practice Yoga

Yoga provides the perfect balance between mental health and physical health and is a great exercise for de-cluttering a stressful mind and strengthening the body. The meditative qualities of Yoga can help to keep stress in-check which in turn can help to reduce stress related skin problems such as acne, eczema and rosacea making it incredibly beneficial for the inside and out.

Make Sure You Get Plenty Of Sleep

There’s a reason we call it “beauty sleep” and there’s actually a scientific reason for it. When we don’t get enough sleep our bodies produce a stress hormone called Cortisol which can cause all manners of inflammatory responses in the body which are ultimately harmful to skin and linked to an increase in skin breakouts, skin sensitivity and inflammation of existing issues (such as acne or eczema).

As such, giving yourself at least 7 hours of sleep a night will help your skin fight existing problems and to retain it’s elasticity and bounce. Give your natural beauty an extra push by introducing a high quality serum to your morning and nighttime skincare regime.